A Connected IoT Home?

In our last blog we discussed the features and importance of a smart home in which we mentioned that a smart home is a residence that uses internet-connected devices to enable the remote monitoring and management of appliances and systems. Now, we will be talking about the connected home.

The first home automation system was developed in 1966 and its name was Echo IV. It only allowed consumers to create shopping lists, control the temperature of the home, and turn appliances on and off. The kitchen computer system was also capable of creating recipes but it never came to success due to high pricing.

Like home automation and it’s latest protocols are not new, the vision of a smart home that most people see today in the age of connected IoT devices is not really new. IoT home automation is the process of controlling home appliances automatically using various control system techniques. The electrical and electronic appliances in the home such as windows, refrigerators, fans, lights, fire alarms, kitchen timers, etc can be controlled using various control techniques.

Smart Home Systems uses the Internet of things (IoT) and devices operate together sharing usage data among themselves and can automate actions according to the house owner’s preferences. Smart connected devices have ports, antennae and protocols that can initiate communication between a product and its operating environment. In simple words, we can say that “a connected device can share data directly with other devices or over a network”

Smart devices enable more than just connectivity, a smart device typically has an operating system that will allow us to connect with other devices, services or apps. A simple door or a sensor that can track the state of your home is an example of connected smart devices.

Smart tech, on the other hand, can be somewhat complex. These gadgets may contain, microprocessors, sensors, controls, data storage, software, and, typically an embedded operating system.

These smart tech eases the controlling of our house with the comfort of using our selected device. Internet of Things can be most beneficial in conserving energy maximum possible using these smart devices. In a recent survey, it was found that the USA was able to conserve energy and reduce household consumption by 20% by using smart homes and sensors. These sensors allow automatic adaptation of temperature, lights, etc. hence resulting in conservation of the electricity.

A connected home is one of the important things that require you to make your home a fully smart one and help in energy conservation and reduce your electricity bill.

To know more about how we can help you with IoT smart solutions contact us now.