Real Applications of Smart Security Alarm Systems

Homeowners are always looking for ways to make their homes a more secure and safe space. Smart Security Alarm Systems have allowed this need to become a reality. Alarm systems have evolved over the past decade to become integrated systems that leverage technology to secure your home from intruders, as well as dangers that lie within the house, like gas leaks. In this blog, we will discuss some real-life applications of smart security alarm systems.

Intruder Alert

The Mehta family owns a bungalow in an upscale part of town. They planned a vacation abroad for a few weeks for the whole family. While they were away, some miscreants decided to rob their house one night. They decided to break in from the back door, as it was in a darker, more quiet part of the neighbourhood. As soon as they entered the premises and tried to break in from the door, an alarm sounded. They were caught unaware and decided to flee from the scene. Luckily the neighbourhood security nabbed them, and they were handed over to the police.

Here’s what happened. The Mehta family had installed a smart security alarm system in their home. All entry points, including doors and windows, were fitted with inconspicuous intrusion detection sensors. They armed the alarm system before they left the house for their vacation. As soon as the robbers tried to break in, the sensors detected the unauthorized entry and alerted the alarm system, and the alarm was sounded.

Being a smart security system enabled with IoT, the Mehta family received an alert on their mobile phone as well through the app. They were able to contact the neighbourhood security office and get the exact details of the entire episode.

The smart alarm system saved the house from being robbed and helped the family get immediate information about the incident.

Gas Leak Detection

Gas leak can be extremely dangerous, especially if it goes undetected. In addition to being a fire hazard, carbon monoxide poisoning, resulting from gas, can cause nausea, headaches, fainting, and even be fatal with excess exposure.
The Yadav family retired to bed at night without realizing that the stove gas knob was left open. This could’ve been a lethal situation for everyone in the house, but luckily they had a smart alarm system installed, equipped with gas leak detection. The alarm sounded to alert the family and they could check what the problem was through their smart alarm mobile app. Simultaneoulsy, the security office was also notified and help came immediately to assist them.
Smart alarm systems can successfully be integrated with gas leak detection sensors and prevent dangerous situations. This type of system is not only useful for multi-apartment settings, but also standalone homes.

Guest Access

Mrs. Desai had a few friends coming over when she suddenly had to rush for an urgent work meeting. With only about half an hour remaining for the guests’ arrival, she didn’t want to cancel and knew she wouldn’t be too long. Just as she was wrapping up the meeting, she got a call on her security alarm system app from her video door phone. One of her friends was waiting outside the house and had called her from the door phone connected to the smart alarm system. Not only was Mrs. Desai able to see and talk to her guest, but she unlocked the main door with her mobile app to let her guest in while she reached home in some time. She could also turn on the air conditioning and living room lights so that her guests would be comfortable.
Smart alarm system provides numerous benefits in addition to safeguarding the house. It gives the flexibility and convenience of operating the alarm system and all connected smart gadgets from the palm of your hand and any location around the world.


We have many such use cases demonstrate the utility of smart home alarm systems. If you are still wondering whether an alarm system is fit for your home, contact us to know more about these new-age security systems. Discreet Solutions is an industry leader in home alarm systems with over 17 years of experience. Our One Touch product series delivers the promise of cutting-edge security solutions that are robust and user-friendly.